辅导案例-CSI 431

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Homework 2 for CSI 431
February 28, 2020
All homeworks are individual assignments. This means: write your own solutions and do not
copy code/solutions from peers or online. Should academic dishonesty be detected, the proper
reporting protocols will be invoked (see Syllabus for details).
Instructions: Submit two files. One should be a write-up of all solutions and observations, as Solution.pdf. The
second should be an archive Code.zip containing code and any relevant results files.
Note: individual functions will be tested by a script and potentially different train/test data. Do not change
method names or parameters, simply provide implementations. Also, please, do not add additional library imports.
1. Decision trees As part of this question you will implement and compare the Information Gain, Gini Index
and CART evaluation measures for splits in decision tree construction.Let D = (X, y), |D| = n be a dataset
with n samples. The entropy of the dataset is defined as
H(D) = −
P (ci|D)log2P (ci|D),
where P (ci|D) is the fraction of samples in class i. A split on an attribute of the form Xi ≤ c partitions the
dataset into two subsets DY and DN based on whether samples satisfy the split predicate or not respectively.
The split Entropy is the weighted average Entropy of the resulting datasets DY and DX :
H(DY , DN ) =
H(DY ) +
H(DN ),
where nY are the number of samples in DY and nN are the number of samples in DN . The Information
Gain (IG) of a split is defined as the the difference of the Entropy and the split entropy:
IG(D,DY , DN ) = H(D)−H(DY , DN ). (1)
The higher the information gain the better.
The Gini index of a data set is defined as G(D) = 1−∑2i=1 P (ci|D)2 and the Gini index of a split is defined
as the weighted average of the Gini indices of the resulting partitions:
G(DY , DN ) =
G(DY ) +
G(DN ). (2)
The lower the Gini index the better.
Finally, the CART measure of a split is defined as:
CART (DY , DN ) = 2
|P (ci|DY )− P (ci|DN )|. (3)
The higher the CART the better.
You will need to fill in the implementation of the three measures in the provided Python code as part of the
homework. Note: You are not allowed to use existing implementations of the measures.
The homework includes two data files, train.txt and test.txt. The first consists of 100 observations to use
to train your classifiers; the second has 10 to test. Each file is comma-separated, and each row contains 11
values - the first 10 are attributes (a mix of numeric and categorical translated to numeric, e.g. {T,F} =
{0,1}), and the final being the true class of that observation. You will need to separate attributes and class
in your load(filename) function.
You are also given HW2.py. This contains all necessary functions with additional details in the docstrings.
Implement each function within the skeleton given. You are allowed to add any helper functions as desired.
The functions provided are what will be graded, along with solutions written up.
(a) [10 pts.] Implement the IG(D, index, value) function according to equation 1, where D is a dataset,
index is the index of an attribute and value is the split value such that the split is of the form Xi ≤ value.
The function should return the value of the information gain.
(b) [10 pts.] Implement the G(D, index, value) function according to equation 2, where D is a dataset,
index is the index of an attribute and value is the split value such that the split is of the form Xi ≤ value.
The function should return the value of the gini index value.
(c) [10 pts.] Implement the CART (D, index, value) function according to equation 3, where D is a dataset,
index is the index of an attribute and value is the split value such that the split is of the form Xi ≤ value.
The function should return the value of the CART value.
(d) [20 pts.] Implement the function bestsplit(D, criterion) which takes as an input a dataset D, a string
value from the set {“IG′′, “GINI ′′, “CART ′′} which specifies a measure of interest. This function
should return the best possible split for measure criterion in the form of a tuple (i, value), where i is
the attribute index and value is the split value. The function should probe all possible values for each
attribute and all attributes to form splits of the form Xi ≤ value.
(e) [10 pts] Load the training data “train.txt” provided in the homework by implementing the function
load(filename), which should return a dataset D, and find the best possible split for each of the three
criteria for the data (Hint: Note that some measures need to be minimized and some maximized, also
consider numpy’s loadtxt to load the dataset).
(f) [10 pts] Assume that you built a very simple DT based on the only best split for each criterion from
the previous question. Show the three decision trees resulting from the best splits (draw the trees, split
points and decision nodes). Assume that in each of the two leaves of the tree a decision is made to
classify as the majority class.
(g) [30 pts] How many classification errors will the above three classifiers make on the testing set provided
in “test.txt”. A classification error occurs when a testing instance is not classified as its correct class.
Note, that you need to implement the three functions classifyIG(train, test), classifyG(train, test),
classifyCART (train, test) based on the best splits you found in the previous parts. Each function
should take in training data, create the best single split on a single attribute using the above defined
functions, and classify each observation in the test data. The output should be a list of predicted classes
for the test data (in the same order, of course). Then compare these predicted classes to the true classes
of the test data.



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