辅导案例-DIT032 /

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DIT032 / DAT335 – Data Management
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018 14:00 - 18:00
Philipp Leitner
Contact Persons During Exam:
Philipp Leitner (+46 733 05 69 14)
Joel Scheuner (+46 733 42 41 26)
(visitations around 15:00 and 16:30)
Allowed Aides:
None except English dictionary (non-electronic), pen/pencil, ruler, and eraser.
Check the back of your exam papers for additional help in the appendix.
Exam results will be made available no later than in 15 working days through Ladok.
Grade Limits:
For GU students: 0 – 49 pts: U, 50 – 89 pts: G, 90+ pts: VG
For Chalmers students: 0 – 49 pts: U, 50 – 69 pts: 3, 70 – 89 pts: 4, 90+ pts: 5
The exam review will take place Friday, September 17th (11:00 - 12:00) in room 473
(Jupiter building, 4th floor). Please refer to GUL for potential updates.
Task 1 – Theory and Understanding (30 pts)
(every question can and should be answered in a few sentences, plus an example if
asked for)
Q1.1: What is an index in SQL? What is it generally used for?
Q1.2: What is a “weak entity” in the Entity Relationship model? What is special about
them (e.g., in terms of key requirements)?
Q1.3: What are the four “CRUD” operations? Describe each in one sentence.
Q1.4: How does replication work, and what is it used for? What basic replication
models are there?
Q1.5: Name and briefly describe the 5 “V”s of Big Data.
Q1.6: Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages often associated with NoSQL
databases (in comparison to relational databases).
Task 2 – EER Diagrams (24 pts)
Consider the following excerpt of the domain description for a conference database.
Model the described domain using an EER diagram with the notation we used in the
course (find a cheat sheet in the appendix of your exam papers). Use the 1,N,M
notation for describing cardinalities rather than the min-max notation.
Conference Management:
The database needs to keep track of conferences. Conferences have an unique name, a
location, a duration, and an edition (e.g., 2nd edition). The duration is specified through a
begin and end date. We also want to track how many conferences there are in total in the
Conferences are attended by delegates (i.e., people attending the conference). Delegates
can attend multiple conferences, and clearly a conference can have many delegates
attending. For each delegate, we need to store when they registered for each conference
(“reg date”). For each delegate, we further need to store their registration number (which is
unique for each delegate), their name, country, and date of birth.
Conferences further consist of tracks. Tracks have a name which is unique for a conference
(but not necessarily unique overall), a date, start time, and end time. Every track has
exactly one track chair, who is a special delegate responsible for coordinating a track. For
delegates that are also track chairs, we need to save the organisation that they represent in
the conference (this is not needed for regular delegates). A track chair can chair multiple
tracks, but they need to chair at least one to be considered a track chair.
Finally, tracks consist of presentations. For each presentation, we need to save the title,
which is unique in a track (but, again, not necessarily unique overall), and the start time.
Each presentation is given by exactly one delegate (the presenter), but there may be
delegates who are not giving any presentations. Each delegate may give at most one
Task 3 – Relational Model and Algebra (20 pts)
Relational Model:
DURATION(id, begin, end)
CONFERENCE(name, location, duration)
CONFERENCE.duration is a foreign key pointing at DURATION.id
DELEGATE(reg nr, name, date of birth)
REGISTRATION(delegate, conference, registration date)
REGISTRATION.delegate is a foreign key pointing at DELEGATE.reg nr
REGISTRATION.conference is a foreign key pointing at CONFERENCE.name
Given this relational model, write relational algebra statements that exactly represent
the following queries. Use the mathematical notation from the course (for the correct
notation you can again refer to the appendix).
Q3.1: Find all delegate names registered to a conference at or after January 1st, 2018.
Q3.2: List all conference names along with their duration (calculated as end date
minus begin date).
Q3.3: Find all pairs of conference names of conferences in the same location. It is ok
if the same pairs appear multiple times in the list.
Q3.4: Find the oldest delegate (i.e., the delegate with the smallest date of birth)
attending the conference with the name “ICSE2018”.
Task 4 – SQL (20 pts)
Given the same relational model as for Task 3, write the following SQL statements or
Q4.1: Delete all registrations to the conference with the name “ICSE2018” from
before January 1st, 2018.
Q4.2: Return the name and location of conferences in one of the following locations:
Gothenburg, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, or Helsinki. Do not use more than a single
conditional statement in the “where” clause of the query.
Q4.3: Return a list of all delegate names, their dates of birth,the name of the
conferences that they are registered for, and the location of the conference (one return
row per registration). Delegates not registered to any conference should not be
contained in the result.
Q4.4: Create a new index on for the “location” field of the CONFERENCE table.
Task 5 – XML (6 pts)

This minimal XML snippet is not well-formed (i.e., it violates the basic syntactical
rules of XML). Name and briefly explain at least 3 reasons for this document not being
Appendix: Notation Guidelines for EER and RA
Weak Entity
Indentifying Relationship
Composite Attribute
. . .
Key Attribute / Dashed Underline for Partial Key
Derived Attribute
Multivalued Attribute
Total Participation of E2 in RRE1 E2
Cardinality Ratio 1: N for E1 : E2 in RRE1 E2
Total Disjoint Specialization
Partial Overlapping Specialization
Table 8.1 Operations of Relational Algebra
SELECT Selects all tuples that satisfy the selection
condition from a relation R.
PROJECT Produces a new relation with only some of the
attributes of R, and removes duplicate tuples.
THETA JOIN Produces all combinations of tuples from R1
and R2 that satisfy the join condition.
R1 R2
EQUIJOIN Produces all the combinations of tuples from
R1 and R2 that satisfy a join condition with
only equality comparisons.
R1 R2, OR
R1 (),
() R2
NATURAL JOIN Same as EQUIJOIN except that the join attributes
of R2 are not included in the resulting relation;
if the join attributes have the same names, they
do not have to be specified at all.
R1* R2,
OR R1* (),
R2 OR R1 * R2
UNION Produces a relation that includes all the tuples
in R1 or R2 or both R1 and R2; R1 and R2 must
be union compatible.
R1 ∪ R2
INTERSECTION Produces a relation that includes all the tuples
in both R1 and R2; R1 and R2 must be union
R1 ∩ R2
DIFFERENCE Produces a relation that includes all the tuples
in R1 that are not in R2; R1 and R2 must be
union compatible.
R1 – R2
CARTESIAN PRODUCT Produces a relation that has the attributes of
R1 and R2 and includes as tuples all possible
combinations of tuples from R1 and R2.
R1 × R2
DIVISION Produces a relation R(X) that includes all tuples
t[X] in R1(Z) that appear in R1 in combination
with every tuple from R2(Y), where Z = X ∪ Y.
R1(Z) ÷ R2(Y)
whereas is a list of



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