墨尔本大学 INFO20003 Assignment3课业解析

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墨尔本大学 INFO20003 Assignment3课业解析 




第一题: 考虑两张关系表Parts和Supply,分别有60000和150000条记录,每页存储50条记录,二者均没有索引。对于下列查询语句,以磁盘I/O次数(页面数量)作为成本计算的方法,计算下列4种连接方式的成本,分别为Page-oriented Nested Loops Join、Block-oriented Nested Loops Join、Sort-Merge Join、Hash Join,写出成本计算公式: SELECT * FROM Parts INNER JOIN Supply ON Parts.PartID = Supply.PID; 第二题: 考虑下面的关系模式: Employee (EmpID, firstname, lastname, department, salary) 员工信息表包含1200个页面,每页存储120条记录。对于下列查询语句,分析和估计不同索引方式下查询的成本,clustered B+ tree index on (department, salary)、unclustered B+ tree index on (salary)、 unclustered Hash index on (department)、unclustered Hash index on (salary) SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE salary > 300,000 AND department = ‘Marketing’; 第三题: 考虑下面三种关系模式: Employee (eid: integer, salary: integer, name: char(30)) Project (projid: integer, code: char(20), start: date, end: date, eid: integer) Department (did: integer, projid: integer, budget: real, floor: integer) 对于下列查询语句,分别计算下列4种查询方案的成本,假设Project.projid和employee.salary都有B+树索引。 SELECT e.name, d.projid FROM Employee e, Project p, Department d WHERE e.eid = p.eid AND p.projid = d.projid AND e.salary < 300,000 AND p.code = ‘alpha 340’; 






INFO20003 Semester 2, 2019
Assignment 3 – Query Processing and Query Optimisation
Due: 6:00pm Friday 18 October
Submission: Via LMS https://lms.unimelb.edu.au
Weighting: 10% of your total assessment. The assignment will be graded
out of 20 marks.
Question 1 (5 marks)
Consider two relations called Parts and Supply. Imagine that relation Parts has 60,000 tuples
and Supply has 150,000 tuples. Both relations store 50 tuples per page. Consider the following
SQL statement:
ON Parts.PartID = Supply.PID;
We wish to evaluate an equijoin between Supply and Parts, with an equality condition
Parts.PartID = Supply.PID. There are 202 buffer pages available in memory for this operation.
Both relations are stored as (unsorted) heap files. Neither relation has any indexes built on it.
Consider the alternative join strategies described below and calculate the cost of each
alternative. Evaluate the algorithms using the number of disk I/O's (i.e. pages) as the cost. For
each strategy, provide the formulae you use to calculate your cost estimates.

a) Page-oriented Nested Loops Join. Consider Parts as the outer relation. (1 mark)
b) Block-oriented Nested Loops Join. Consider Parts as the outer relation. (1 mark)
c) Sort-Merge Join. Assume that Sort-Merge Join can be done in 2 passes. (1 mark)
d) Hash Join. (1 mark)

e) What would be the lowest possible cost to perform this query, assuming that no
indexes are built on any of the two relations, and assuming that sufficient buffer space
is available? What would be the minimum buffer size required to achieve this cost?
Explain briefly. (1 mark)
Question 2 (5 marks)
Consider a relation with the following schema:
Employee (EmpID, firstname, lastname, department, salary)
The Employee relation has 1200 pages and each page stores 120 tuples. The department
attribute can take one of six values (“Marketing”, “Human Resource”, “Finance”, “Public
Relations”, “Sales and Distribution”, “Operation Management”) and salary can have values
between 100,000 and 500,000 ([100,000, 500,000]).
Suppose that the following SQL query is executed frequently using the given relation:
FROM Employee
WHERE salary > 300,000 AND department = ‘Marketing’;
Your job is to analyse the query plans and estimate the cost of the best plan utilizing the
information given about different indexes in each part.
a) Compute the estimated result size for the query, and the reduction factor of each filter.
(1 mark)
b) Compute the estimated cost of the best plan assuming that a clustered B+ tree index
on (department, salary) is the only index available. Suppose there are 300 index
pages. Discuss and calculate alternative plans. (1 mark)
c) Compute the estimated cost of the best plan assuming that an unclustered B+ tree
index on (salary) is the only index available. Suppose there are 200 index pages.
Discuss and calculate alternative plans. (1 mark)
d) Compute the estimated cost of the best plan assuming that an unclustered Hash index
on (department) is the only index available. Discuss and calculate alternative plans.
(1 mark)
e) Compute the estimated cost of the best plan assuming that an unclustered Hash index
on (salary) is the only index available. Discuss and calculate alternative plans.
(1 mark)
Question 3 (10 marks)
Consider the following relational schema and SQL query. The schema captures information
about employees, their departments and the projects they are involved in.
Employee (eid: integer, salary: integer, name: char(30))
Project (projid: integer, code: char(20), start: date, end: date, eid: integer)
Department (did: integer, projid: integer, budget: real, floor: integer)
Consider the following query:
SELECT e.name, d.projid
FROM Employee e, Project p, Department d
WHERE e.eid = p.eid AND p.projid = d.projid
AND e.salary < 300,000 AND p.code = ‘alpha 340’;
The system’s statistics indicate that there are 1000 different project code values, and salary
of the employees range from 100,000 to 500,000 ([100,000, 500,000]). There is a total of
60,000 projects, 5,000 employees and 20,000 departments in the database. Each relation fits
100 tuples in a page. Assume eid is a candidate key for Employee, projid is a candidate key
for Project, and did is a candidate key for the Department table. Suppose there exists a
clustered B+ tree index on (Project.projid) of size 200 pages and suppose there is a clustered
B+ tree index on (employee.salary) of size 10 pages.
a) Compute the estimated result size and the reduction factors (selectivity) of this query.
(2 marks)
b) Compute the cost of the plans shown below. Assume that sorting of any relation (if
required) can be done in 2 passes. NLJ is a Page-oriented Nested Loops Join.
Assume that 100 tuples of a resulting join between Employee and Project fit in a page.
Similarly, 100 tuples of a resulting join between Project and Department fit in a page.
If selection over filtering predicates is not marked in the plan, assume it will happen
on-the-fly after all joins are performed, as the last operation in the plan.
(8 marks, 2 marks per plan)
Formatting Requirements:
For each question, present an answer in the following format:
• Show the question number before each question. You do not need to include the text of the question
• Show your answer in blue text (please type your answers on a computer).
• Start Question 2 and Question 3 on a new page.
For each of the calculations, provide all the formulae you used to calculate your cost estimates, and
show your working, not only the result.
(Heap scan)
(Heap scan)
(Heap scan)
(Heap scan)
(Heap scan)
(Heap scan)
[1] [2]
[3] [4]
(Heap scan)
(Index scan (salary))
(Heap scan)




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