程序代写案例-ECON 3389

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Boston College † Department of Economics † Fall 2020 † ECON 3389 Machine Learning
Instructor: Anatoly Arlashin
Homework 06
Due online through Canvas on Dec 16
In this homework you will practice using cross-validation and bootstrap in linear regression models.
1. You should submit this assignment as a single R script file that produces all the necessary output
as required by the questions below. Important: your entire code should run without any errors!
Having an error that breaks code execution, even if it is a small typo, will result in zero points for
your assignment.
2. Make sure to use the template R script file from Canvas as a starting point. Use comments inside
your file to explain what you are doing with each part of each question (this will help your peers
to review your work more efficiently). Make sure to comment out any code that is redundant, e.g.
View() calls that you use to double check your work.
3. Important: all questions below must be completed using base R functions. Do not use any functions
that come from external packages, i.e. packages that are not included in R's default installation,
except the ones loaded in part 1 of the template script file.
4. All questions are extensions of similar issues discussed in class and can be solved in the same way
with a few tweaks.
5. Make sure there is no redundant/unused code in your files. Your scripts should only include your
comments and code that must be executed to obtain answers. If you create any temporary objects
(variables, datasets, etc), make sure to remove them at the end of your code.
Question 1 (70 points)
In this question you will test the limits of bootstrap by applying it to a linear regression model which
violates all standard OLS assumption, thus making any standard OLS inference unreliable. As you
will see, while bootstrap does allow one compute standard errors and confidence intervals where direct
inference does not exist or is unreliable, it is not a magic "make-things-better" button if your model
suffers from lots of structural issues, bootstrap will not offer much improvement over standard OLS
1.1. Start with running the code from section 1.1, which generates a sample from the following model:
yi = 5 + 0.5x1i − x2i + x3i + ix1x2
 ∼ N (µX , σ2X) with µX =
 and σ2X =
 1 0.6 0.60.6 1 0.2
0.6 0.2 1
ˆ X variables are generated via mvrnorm() function as a multivariate normal distribution with
identical means of 3 and variances of 1, with x1 being generated with relatively high correlation
of 0.6 with x2 and x3, thus introducing a problem of multicollinearity into OLS estimation.
ˆ Random error i is generated as a product of x1i and ui, where ui is a bimodal non-normal
distribution generated as a 50/50 mixture of two Beta distributions with parameters αu = 1.5
and βu = 4 mirrowed around zero:
i = x1i · ui
ui ∼
 2 + B(1.5, 4), Prob = 0.5−2− B(1.5, 4), Prob = 0.5
As such, error term in our model is not only non-normal, but it is also heteroscedastic, as the
variance of i conditional on x1i is a function of x1i:
Var (|x1) = Var (x1 · u|x1) = x21 · σ2u
Taken together, the next two pictures show a sample distribution of model's errors i and a scatter
plot of pairs {x1i, yi}. The distributions of errors has two peaks separated by a trough. Scatter
plots shows a very weak linear relationship.
1.2. Estimate linear regression of y on x1, x2 and x3, and save the results into object q1.reg . Have
a look at your estimation results and note if β̂1 is close to the true value of 0.5 and whether it is
significant based on standard OLS inference.
1.3. Because standard small-sample OLS inference for standard errors and the distribution of β̂1 is
incorrect (non-normality of the error term + heteroscedasticity), we would like to see first what the
true distribution of β̂1 looks like. For this you will need to simulate the same sample 1000 times
and estimate 1000 similar regressions.
ˆ Start with creating a dataframe q1.results with 5 variables: type , beta1.hat , sd ,
ci.l , ci.u . We will use it to summarize and compare the results between standard OLS
inference in one sample, in 1000 samples and in 1000 bootstrap samples.
ˆ q1.results will contain 3 rows. So, when creating it make the variable type contain 3
observations with character values "OLS", "True" and "Boot", and the remaining variables
being empty ( NA ).
ˆ Populate the first row of q1.results with the values of the variables equal to, correspond-
ingly, "OLS", slope estimate β̂1 from q1.reg , OLS standard error for β̂1 from q1.reg , lower
and upper 95% confidence bounds for β̂1 from q1.reg . A suggested way to do it is to use
coef(summary(q1.reg)) and confint(q1.reg) commands.
ˆ After this step your q1.results should look as follows:
type beta1.hat sd ci.l ci.u
OLS 0.3472348 0.1800168 -0.01009581 0.7045654
Note: due to random number generation, there might be minor variations in the numbers
above for your own system.
1.4. Next you will need to repeat the process of running our regression n.sim = 1000 times for
n.sim = 1000 samples generated from the same population. Overall the code you need to use is
very similar to the one I used in the lecture on cross-validation and bootstrap, so a simple copy-paste
with a few changes should be fine.
ˆ Start with creating a new dataframe q1.data.sim to store results from both true and repeated
sampling. The dataframe should have 2*n.sim rows and three variables: beta1.hat , type
and sim.id . Variable type should take values "True" for first n.sim rows and "Boot" for
the remaining n.sim rows. Variable sim.id should run integer numbers from 1 to n.sim
1.5. Create a loop that goes through sim.id values from 1 to n.sim and for each simulation creates
a new sample with the same parameters of all variables, estimates the same regression model and
stores the value of β̂1 into corresponding row of q1.data.sim .
ˆ Start the loop with setting the random number generator seed to something like 100*i , so
that it changes with every loop run.
ˆ Then copy-paste the data generation commands from section Q1.1. (without the set.seed()
command), only changing the name of the dataframe to be created to sim.data instead of
q1.data .
ˆ Estimate linear regression of y on x1, x2 and x3, and save the results into object sim.reg .
ˆ Finally, take the estimate β̂1 from your sim.reg and write its value into corresponding row
of q1.data.sim .
1.6. If your loop runs correctly, you should see the following picture produced by ggplot (red dotted
line shows true value of β1):
Even though we have two major violations of standard OLS assumtions, the estimator β̂1 still is
unbiased and more or less normal, so if we were to have a large sample size, we could probably still
get correct inference using standard OLS errors. However, our sample is only 100 observations, and
thus we cannot rely on asymptotic properties.
1.7. Use mean() , sd() and quantile() functions to save corresponding numerical statistics from
your true samples in q1.data.sim into the second row of q1.results .
1.8. Now create a loop that will perform 1000 bootstrap samples and estimate 1000 bootstrap regression.
See lecture for the code, it can be copied with very minor changes.
ˆ Start the loop with setting the random number generator seed to something like 100*i , so
that it changes with every loop run.
ˆ Create index object containing bootstrap row numbers from main data, i.e. row numbers
samples with replacement from q1.data .
ˆ Create your bootstrap sample as a boot.data object by subsetting q1.data with index
as a subset vector.
ˆ Estimate linear regression of y on x1, x2 and x3 using bootstrap sample, and save the results
into object boot.reg .
ˆ Finally, take the estimate β̂1 from your boot.reg and write its value into corresponding row
of q1.data.sim .
1.9. If your loop runs correctly, you should see the following picture produced by ggplot :
Unlike the true distribution above and unlike the example in lectures, this time bootstrapped
samples produce a biased estimate BS distribution is not centered around true value of 0.5, but
rather is biased downwards. This is because original OLS estimate from q1.data is also smaller
than the true value, reflecting the fact that bootstrapped estimate is to original OLS estimate what
OLS estimate is to true population value.
There exist quite a large collection of advanced bootstrap methods that allow one to construct
more refines estimates and use bootstrap to decrease the possible bias of original OLS estimates.
However, that is an area of advanced econometrics that is not very relevant to our course.
1.10. Use mean() , sd() and quantile() functions to save corresponding numerical statistics from
your true samples in q1.data.sim into the second row of q1.results .
1.11. Compare all the results by viewing the content of q1.results . For example, in my simulations I
got the following table:
type beta1.hat sd ci.l ci.u
OLS 0.3472348 0.1800168 -0.01009581 0.7045654
True 0.5044480 0.2271833 0.06065080 0.9517024
Boot 0.3329813 0.2108092 -0.10622954 0.7193257
The key takeaway here is the fact that bootstrap standard error of β̂1 is much closer to the true
standard error compared to the one from standard OLS estimate. That is because OLS relies on
formulas that are no longer valid in our model, while bootstrap tries to quantify uncertainty purely
based on the variation in the data.
Question 2 (30 points)
In this question you will use Wage dataset that is part of ISLR package, containing wage and other
data for a group of 3000 male workers in the Mid-Atlantic region from the March 2011 Supplement to
Current Population Survey data. The relevant variables in the dataset are as follows:
Variable Description
age Age of worker
maritl Marital status
race Race
education Education level
jobclass Type of job
health Health level of worker
health_ins Whether worker has health insurance
wage Workers raw wage
Your goal is to use 10-fold CV to choose best polynomial form for age in a wage regression, and
then use bootstrap to calculate standard error of average marginal effect of age.
2.1. Estimate a linear regression model with wage being the outcome variable and the other 7 variables
from the table above being explanatory variables, and save the result into q2.reg1 object.
ˆ Since you will be adding polynomial of age below, it is recommend to create model's formula
using the same approach as in the lecture code by creating a character string formula1
with model's formula and then applying as.formula() to it inside the lm() command.
2.2. Using residualPlots() command we can see that age definitely can benefit from add some
polynomials. Create a dataframe q2.cv.fit that contains two variables: poly running a sequence
of integers from 1 to 5 and mse with empty values. There should be a total of 5 rows and 2 columns
in this dataframe.
2.3. Run a loop that will perform 10-fold cross-validation using cv.glm() function on a q2.reg1
model with added polynomials of age from 1 to 5.
ˆ The loop is very similar to the one I used in the lecture, so you can copy-paste it and make a
few minor changes.
ˆ On every loop run you need to create a new model's formula by taking original formula1
and adding to it polynomials via the use of poly() function.
ˆ Use glm() command to estimate your CV regression and save the results into model.cv .
ˆ Do 10-fold CV on model.cv and save the resulting MSE into corresponding row of q2.cv.fit .
2.4. After you are done, compare the results in q2.cv.fit and choose the model with smallest MSE (in
my case it was poly == 3 , but in your case it might be something else). Create formula2 object
with adjusted formula that includes corresponding polynomials of age and estimate adjusted model
q2.reg2 .
2.5. In case of cubic polynomial for age the model had the following coefficients (other variables omitted
for convenience):
ŵagei = . . .+ 3.41 · agei − 0.0445 · age2i + 0.00013 · age3i + . . .
This means that the marginal effect of age is no longer constant and depends on the specific values
of agei for worker i:
ME(age) =
≈ 3.41− 2 · 0.0445 · agei + 3 · 0.00013 · age2i
If we want some aggregate measure, the simplest way would be to plug in a median value of
agei and call that a 'marginal effect of age for a worker with median age'. To do so, define a
function age.me(data, index) that takes two arguments: data with the dataset and index
with the sequence of row numbers to be selected from that dataset. The function then proceeds
to calculate the marginal effect of age for a median worker based on a regression model estimated
using data[index,] .
ˆ The function age.me() serves the same purpose as the function alpha.boot() from the
lecture you will use it to run boot() command.
ˆ Inside the function first create boot.data object as a subset of data with row numbers
specified in index .
ˆ Then run the same model as in q2.reg2 , but using boot.data instead, and save the result
into boot.model .
ˆ Extract necessary coefficients from boot.model to be used in the formula for ME(age) above,
i.e. polynomial coefficients on age, age2 and so on.
ˆ Calculate median value of age in boot.data and plug it into the formula for ME(age) along-
side with estimated coefficients. Return the value from the formula as the function's output.
If your best model is a cubic polynomial, then the command age.me(q2.data, 1:nrow(q2.data))
should produce the value of 0.3735526.
2.6. Finally, run the command boot() with data from q2.data , statistic defined by your age.me()
function and 1000 bootstrap iterations. Save the result into object q2.boot , then look at the
summary of that object.
ˆ In my case bootstrap standard error for ME(age) of a worker with median age is around
0.092666, which means that t-statistic for significance is around 4, making it a very strong
effect overall.




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